Dinosaur World

Friday, August 21, 2009


No posts from August 22 to Aug 31st. Your friendly Dino Diva will be on vacation! yeah! There are a few things you're not going to want to forget while I'm gone. I'll be gone, but our great staff will still be here to take good care of you!
  1. AUGUST DOUBLE DINO DAYS = Don't forget to visit us in August because you'll get a free pass to come back any day in December. So August admission equals free December admission. We're open every day year around except Christmas Day and December is a great time to visit to get dinosaur gifts! This is for Florida and Kentucky locations.
  2. KENTUCKY $1 DINOMITE DAY = On Saturday, September 12th, residents of Barren and surrounding counties in Kentucky will receive $1 admisson with proof of residency. That's Allen, Barren, Edmonson, Hart, Metcalfe, Monroe and Warren Counties in Kentucky.

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